Aimer: Up to 60% Off Sale Styles
Shop and save up to 60% on sale styles at Aimer.
View more Aimer offers- Added by Siti
Updated 16th January 2025
36 Ratings. Average 5 out of 5 stars
Shop and save up to 60% on sale styles at Aimer.
View more Aimer offersShop and save up to 55% on sale items at Aimer.
View more Aimer offersSign up to the newsletter for special offers and promotions at Aimer.
View more Aimer offersHere are some great tips & tricks for extra savings at Aimer:
Aimer accepts VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover Card, Diners Club, JCB and PayPal.
Aimer ships within countries provided during checkout.
Generally, they need about 1 to 2 business days to process an order before sending it out. For more information on shipping time, please visit their shipping page.
Please note that once your order has been shipped and in transit, they will not be able to update the shipping address.
If the original address is valid, the parcel will be delivered there. You can contact your local post office when it arrives there, to see if they are still able to forward the package or redirect it for you.
If the original address is invalid, your package will be undeliverable and returned to their warehouse. You can contact their Customer Service Team ( with the order number.
Once your order has been shipped, they will send you a shipping confirmation with your order number along with tracking information. You can also check your order status by visiting the Track Your Order page. The shipping time may vary from country to country. βIf there is no tracking number updated or the tracking information does not update for about five days, please feel free to contact their email
Please verify all of your shipping details are correct. If you find that your details were filled out incorrectly or need further assistance, please contact their Customer Service Team ( with the order number and they'll be happy to help.
When you receive the parcel, first of all, please check if the package is damaged. If the package is OK, then you are supposed to check whether the products are in good condition. If there are any problems mentioned above, please refuse to sign for the parcel and contact them in time.
If you encounter the condition that the parcel must be signed before it can be checked. Please sign for and open the parcel in front of the courier. After checking, if there is no problem then you can give the receipt to the courier. If there is any problem, please give feedback to the courier and contact them immediately. (It is suggested you take pictures of the package box, product boxes, products, waybill, etc. Pictures should be clear and easy to identify. )
If you(or your client) do not check the parcel and sign, the commitment that logistics undertakes transportation risk will end. Thank you for your understanding.
You can check the status of your return or exchange under your own Aimer Account.
Most returns can be processed within 3 business days after they receive your package.
If you return for a refund, it will be issued to your original payment method within 3 to 5 business days of receipt of your item(s) or in the form of online credit. Refunds cannot be returned to alternate cards or different forms of payment. Please note that payment processing is beyond their control and it may take up to 7-10 additional business days for the funds to be credited to your account used during checkout.
If you return for exchange, the replacement order will be dispatched within one week.
Please go to the following link to see the return policy.
Return Policy:
They will offer a full refund for you on all returned items that are unworn, unwashed, and undamaged with all original tags attached. (exclude return shipping fee and unreturnable items).
Coupon codes and AIMER points will not be refunded as monetary value.
Once they receive the returned items, it will take up to 3 business days for them to process the refund. The refund should reflect your account depending on the method of payment. If you would like them to refund the amount to your credit/debit card, that depends on your financial institution which ranges from 3-15 business days. If you would like them to refund the amount to your Paypal account that will take 72 hours.
If you can't receive the money in time, please feel free to contact them on
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Aimers Group, the brand name of the leading Chinese high-tech enterprise in clothing and accessories, has been at the forefront of providing the world with excellent products since 1993. Based in Beijing's Chaoyang District, this company has their focuses on creating, manufacturing, and marketing premium products like bras, underwear, pyjamas, swimwear, thermal wear, activewear, and shapewear.
Lastly, the business is engaged in the importation and exportation of products thereby making it the ideal one-stop shop for you in matters fashion. They invite you to select Aimer for a superb shopping experience that goes beyond your highest expectations.
About Aimer Homepage
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We also check a variety of other platforms so you donβt have to such as Aimer social accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, visiting blogs and forums related to Aimer, and even checking other top deal sites for the latest Aimer discount codes. We also discover links via our very helpful community who submit codes to us.
When shopping online at Aimer, it is a good idea to always visit us here at Love Coupons before you finish your order. The Love Coupons team save our visitors thousands of pounds every month. Some users never even knew Aimer discount codes were available until visiting our site. Now that you know how easy it is to save at Aimer with our promo and discount codes, bookmark or favourite Aimer above and always check us out before you checkout.
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